Cellectricon AB and Censo Biotechnologies Ltd are announcing the introduction of a joint technology access program for a fully humanized phenotypic screening platform targeting preclinical neuroscience and chronic pain research.
The approach combines induced pluripotent stem cell-derived (iPSC-derived) cells, sourced and produced by Censo, with Cellectricon’s unique screening technologies, IP and expertise. The platform will enable high quality phenotypic screening of medium throughput libraries in customized human iPSC-derived diseased and healthy control models. Hits can be further evaluated in secondary/safety assays using human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and CNS neurons. This battery of human, functional assays will produce a highly refined short list of compounds ready for clinical testing.
“Differences in target composition and neuronal processing between humans and model organisms may lead to poor translation between animal studies and the clinical setting. By gaining access to human cells from virtually any disorder, our collaboration with Censo has significantly enhanced our discovery services offering for CNS and chronic pain research. We can now detect compound effects both on the cellular and network level,” said Cellectricon’s VP Discovery Services Paul Karila. “Offering better clinical translation through the application of a fully humanized screening platform, this novel program will accelerate our clients’ discovery efforts in CNS and pain research.”
Censo’s CEO Aidan Courtney added, “There is an excellent alignment between Censo and Cellectricon. Our extensive expertise in the production of ethically approved human iPSCs and derivatives adds further value to Cellectricon’s proprietary discovery services. We are very excited that this program will enable clients to access highly relevant screening cascades.”
For more information on Cellectricon’s Pain and CNS Discovery Services, please visit www.cellectricon.com
For more information on Censo Biotechnologies’ stem cell expertise and capabilities please visit www.censobio.com
Services Enquiries
Cellectricon AB
Jennie Svensson Dalén – Manager, Global customer support
T: +46 (0)733 67 35 31 E: jennie.svenssondalen@cellectricon.com
W: www.cellectricon.com
Censo Biotechnologies Ltd
Ashley Barnes – Head of Drug Discovery Services
T: +44 (0)1223 804 095 E: ashley.barnes@censobio.com
W: www.censobio.com